Golden Spike Realty

Make your home more springy in the winter.

With its unpredictable and often uncomfortable weather, winter is the perfect time to stay indoors and take care of interior home maintenance. By spending a few hours organizing, repairing, and cleaning now, I save myself a lot of time and trouble later when I’d rather be outside soaking up spring and summer.
Here are some ideas to improve your home
during the dreary winter months:
  1. Install shelving to maximize closet space; organize closets
  2. Redecorate to create a more welcoming entryway
  3. Schedule a chimney inspection and sweeping; check all smoke detector/ carbon monoxide batteries
  4. Create dedicated storage system for holiday lights
  5. Inspect and repair insulation in attic and crawlspaces
  6. Test for and seal air leaks around doors and windows
  7. Flush water heater to improve efficiency
  8. Deep clean rugs, drapes, and upholstery
  9. Dust and wipe down indoor light fixtures
  10. Clean and tune up vacuum
  11. Change filters in you furnace
  12. Clean your heater vents and fresh air returns

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